Category: BPH

Waking Up To Pee: Could It Be BPH?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, simply means an enlarged prostate gland. If you are a male and over the age of 45, you most likely know about this condition, as it affects men as they age and causes a number of symptoms. If you are waking up at night to pee, you may be wondering if it could be due to BPH. 

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Urinary problems: Tips to help

Many people don’t think of healthy urinary function as interesting, at least not until they have an issue. But urinary problems from BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia can be annoying, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. BPH is an enlarged prostate gland. BPH occurs in almost all men as they age. BPH is usually not a serious problem, but it can affect your health and your mood. Learn about the symptoms of BPH and the cause. Lifestyle changes, such as cutting back on caffeine and alcohol, can sometimes be enough to reduce your symptoms. Get more tips on treating BPH here.

Request an Enlarged Prostate Treatment Consultation Today!

The board-certified urologists at Louisiana Healthcare Associates have extensive experience diagnosing and treating men throughout the Hammond area for BPH. Call (985) 892-6811 to request an appointment at our urology office in Covington, LA today.

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man with frequent urination



Can BPH Be Prevented?

Just like women, men find that as they get older, certain parts of their body get larger. Think stomach and prostate gland. We could go on, but you get the picture. A man’s prostate gland can change from the size of a walnut up to as large as an orange, which is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). When this happens later in life, it causes symptoms and sometimes complications. Can BPH be prevented?

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Is An Enlarged Prostate A Serious Medical Condition?

Is an enlarged prostate a serious medical condition? If you are male, 60% of you will have symptoms of an enlarged prostate over the age of 60. 90% will have symptoms by age 85. This adds up to fourteen million Americans with an enlarged prostate, and although this seems fairly common, don’t be fooled into thinking it cannot ever become serious. It can be.

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Should I Be Concerned About An Enlarged Prostate?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH is what is known as an enlarged prostate. It may sound scary, but should you be concerned about an enlarged prostate? This depends on your age, whether you are symptomatic, and how severe those symptoms are. Here’s a bit more detail!

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